Contract: |
Reward: |
1. contract: Sell 5 Pcs decorations from Cornelius's station. |
2. contract: Deliver 3.000.000 wood and 3.000.000 steel to Cornelius's station by international trains |
500.000 Pcs glass
3. contract: Build 1 Pcs Ticket Stand building at Cornelius's station
You need in the stock: 3.300.000 wood
1.500.000 steel
  Ticket Stand |
1 Pcs Ticket Stand building
(6 +140 )(23.33)
  Ticket Stand |
4. contract: Deliver 500.000.000 gold to Cornelius's station by international trains
50 Pcs whistle |
5. contract: Build 3 Pcs Promotional Signs decortation at Cornelius's station.
You need in the stock: 330.000.000 gold
  Promotional Signs |
6. contract: Deliver 610 Pcs ELF 2nd Class (415 0 +35%) wagons to Cornelius's station.
  ELF 2nd Class |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
6. contract: Deliver 27 Pcs ELF 1st Class (465 0 +70% ) wagons to Cornelius's station.
  ELF 1st Class |
15 Pcs gems
7. contract: Deliver 300 Pcs train sets to Cornelius's station
8. contract: Deliver 6.500.000 rubber to Cornelius's station by international trains
9. contract: Build 1 Pcs Dock House building at Cornelius's station
You need in the stock: 2.000.000 steel
6.500.000 rubber
  Dock House |
1 Pcs Dock House building
(20 +520 )(26.00)
  Dock House |
10. contract: Deliver 3.500.000 cement and 3.500.000 wires to Cornelius's station by international trains |
75 Pcs whistle |
11. contract: Deliver 150 Pcs steam locomotives to Cornelius's station by international trains
620.000 Pcs carbon
12. contract: Deliver 4.000.000 bricks to Cornelius's station by international trains
20 Pcs gems
13. contract: Build 1 Pcs Guest Lodge building at Cornelius's station
You need in the stock: 3.800.000 cement
4.000.000 wires
4.200.000 bricks
  Guest Lodge |
1 Pcs Guest Lodge building
(11 +308 )(28.00)
  Guest Lodge |
14. contract: Deliver 640 Pcs DSB MA 2nd Class (350 0 +60%) wagons to Cornelius's station.
  DSB MA 2nd Class |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
14. contract: Deliver 30 Pcs IC4 Copenhagen (300 0 +125% ) wagons to Cornelius's station.
  IC4 Copenhagen |
15. contract: Deliver 3.000.000 titanium and 4.000.000 marble to Cornelius's station by international trains |
100 Pcs whistle |
16. contract: Deliver 550.000.000 gold to Cornelius's station by international trains
1 Pcs Steam Flag (flag)
  Steam Flag |
17. contract: Build 1 Pcs Cornelius' Residence building at Cornelius's station
You need in the stock: 350.000.000 gold
2.300.000 titanium
2.000.000 marble
  Cornelius' Residence |
18. contract: Build 3 Pcs Flower Garden decortation at Cornelius's station.
You need in the stock: 300.000.000 gold
  Flower Garden |
19. contract: Deliver 500 Pcs Marble Powerful (marble +135%) wagons to Cornelius's station.
  Marble Powerful |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
19. contract: Deliver 28 Pcs RTS U-235 (u-235 +250%) wagons to Cornelius's station.
  RTS U-235 |
150 Pcs gems
20. contract: Build 1 Pcs Cornelius' Library building at Cornelius's station
You need in the stock: 100.000.000 gold
3.000.000 marble
1.000.000 titanium
  Cornelius' Library |
21. contract: Deliver 5 Pcs BR 66 Triple (D25) locomotives to Cornelius's station
  BR 66 Triple |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
21. contract: Deliver 2 Pcs Bitrac Triple (D27) locomotives to Cornelius's station
  Bitrac Triple |
10 Pcs Commodore Fuel (fuel +480%) wagon
(Commodore Cargo set)
  Commodore Fuel |
22. contract: Deliver 2.350.000 carbon and 2.350.000 silicon to Cornelius's station by international trains |
2 Pcs Railroad Flag (flag)
  Railroad Flag |
23. contract: Build 1 Pcs Hudson Depot building at Cornelius's station
You need in the stock: 1.250.000 glass
1.850.000 carbon
1.750.000 silicon
  Hudson Depot |
1 Pcs Hudson Depot building
(20 +384 )(19.20)
  Hudson Depot |
24. contract: Deliver 620.000.000 gold to Cornelius's station by international trains
10 Pcs Commodore Fuel (fuel +480%) wagon
(Commodore Cargo set)
  Commodore Fuel |
25. contract: Deliver 3.850.000 gravel to Cornelius's station by international trains
25 Pcs gems
26. contract: Deliver 65 Pcs Nails Powerful (nails +135%) wagons to Cornelius's station.
  Nails Powerful |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
26. contract: Deliver 3 Pcs Nails Majestic (nails +250% ) wagons to Cornelius's station.
  Nails Majestic |
10 Pcs Commodore Marble (marble +480%) wagon
(Commodore Cargo set)
  Commodore Marble |
27. contract: Deliver 35 Pcs diesel locomotives to Cornelius's station by international trains
10 Pcs Commodore Glass (glass +480%) wagon
(Commodore Cargo set)
  Commodore Glass |
28. contract: Build 1 Pcs Medal of Achievement decortation at Cornelius's station.
You need in the stock: 580.000.000 gold
  Medal of Achievement |
29. contract: Deliver 3.500.000 plastics to Cornelius's station by international trains
25 Pcs gems
30. contract: Build 1 Pcs Railway Station building at Cornelius's station
You need in the stock: 4.000.0000 nails
4.200.000 gravel
3.850.000 plastics
  Railway Station |
31. contract: Deliver 4.250.000 fuel to Cornelius's station by international trains
10 Pcs Commodore Marble (marble +480%) wagon
(Commodore Cargo set)
  Commodore Marble |
32. contract: Deliver 4.000.000 titanium to Cornelius's station by international trains
10 Pcs Commodore Glass (glass +480%) wagon
(Commodore Cargo set)
  Commodore Glass |
33. contract: Deliver 39 Pcs Glass Powerful (glass +135%) wagons to Cornelius's station.
  Glass Powerful |
25 Pcs gems
34. contract: Deliver 555.000.000 gold to Cornelius's station by international trains
10 Pcs Commodore Carbon (carbon +480%) wagon
(Commodore Cargo set)
  Commodore Carbon |
35. contract: Build 1 Pcs Central Tower building at Cornelius's station
You need in the stock: 4.360.000 glass
3.850.000 titanium
  Central Tower |
1 Pcs Central Tower building
(25 +640 )(25.60)
  Central Tower |
36. contract: Build 1 Pcs Railroad Monument decortation at Cornelius's station.
You need in the stock: 655.000.000 gold
  Railroad Monument |
10 Pcs Commodore Carbon (carbon +480%) wagon
(Commodore Cargo set)
  Commodore Carbon |
37. contract: Deliver 120 Pcs train sets to Cornelius's station
30 Pcs gems
38. contract: Deliver 2.500.000 fuel to Cornelius's station by international trains
1 Pcs L-1 Commodore (S80) locomotive
(Commodore Cargo set +150%)
  L-1 Commodore |
39. contract: Build 1 Pcs Grand Depot building at Cornelius's station
You need in the stock: 9.000.000 fuel
  Grand Depot |
1 Pcs Grand Depot building
(38 +1390 )(36.58)
  Grand Depot |
1 Pc Old New York
(Old New York Theme)
41. contract: Deliver 600.000.000 gold to Cornelius's station by international trains
20 Pcs gems
42. contract: Deliver 100 Pcs train sets to Cornelius's station
10 Pcs Sophia 2nd class (900 0 +680%) wagon
(Sophia Express set)
  Sophia 2nd class |
43. contract: Deliver 680 Pcs DSB MA 2nd Class (350 0 +60%) wagons to Cornelius's station.
  DSB MA 2nd Class |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
43. contract: Deliver 30 Pcs IC4 Copenhagen (300 0 +125% ) wagons to Cornelius's station.
  IC4 Copenhagen |
2 Pcs Railroad Flag (flag)
  Railroad Flag |
44. contract: Build 1 Pcs Railway Worker Statue decortation at Cornelius's station.
You need in the stock: 615.000.000 gold
  Railway Worker Statue |
45. contract: Deliver 4.500.000 wood to Cornelius's station by international trains
20 Pcs Sophia 2nd class (900 0 +680%) wagon
(Sophia Express set)
  Sophia 2nd class |
46. contract: Deliver 7 Pcs AC-11 Triple (S34) locomotives to Cornelius's station
  AC-11 Triple |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
46. contract: Deliver 2 Pcs Baldwin 60000 Triple (S40) locomotives to Cornelius's station
  Baldwin 60000 Triple |
100 Pcs whistle |
47. contract: Deliver 4.600.000 steel to Cornelius's station by international trains
25 Pcs gems
48. contract: Deliver 100 Pcs Wood Powerful (wood +135%) wagons to Cornelius's station.
  Wood Powerful |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
48. contract: Deliver 6 Pcs Railpower Steel (steel +300%) wagons to Cornelius's station.
  Railpower Steel |
10 Pcs Sophia 1st class (800 0 +900%) wagon
(Sophia Express set)
  Sophia 1st class |
49. contract: Build 1 Pcs Moravian Church building at Cornelius's station
You need in the stock: 4.700.000 wood
4.800.000 steel
  Moravian Church |
50. contract: Deliver 40 Pcs electric locomotives to Cornelius's station by international trains
2 Pcs Legacy Flag (flag)
  Legacy Flag |
51. contract: Deliver 650.000.000 gold to Cornelius's station by international trains
30 Pcs gems
52. contract: Deliver 6.000.000 cement to Cornelius's station by international trains
20 Pcs Sophia Sleeper (900 0 +720%) wagon
(Sophia Express set)
  Sophia Sleeper |
53. contract: Build 1 Pcs Horse Fountain decortation at Cornelius's station.
You need in the stock: 660.000.000 gold
1.000.000 cement
  Horse Fountain |
2 Pcs Steam Flag (flag)
  Steam Flag |
55. contract: Deliver 3.600.000 u-235 to Cornelius's station by international trains
6 Pcs Sophia VIP (800 0 +1000%) wagon
(Sophia Express set)
  Sophia VIP |
56. contract: Build 1 Pcs Elementary School building at Cornelius's station
You need in the stock: 3.700.000 u-235
5.300.000 cement
  Elementary School |
57. contract: Deliver 4.800.000 rubber to Cornelius's station by international trains
40 Pcs gems
58. contract: Deliver 5.000.000 wires to Cornelius's station by international trains
1 Pcs Sophia (E66) locomotive
(Sophia Express set +50%)
  Sophia |
59. contract: Build 1 Pcs Institute of Altruism building at Cornelius's station
You need in the stock: 5.000.000 rubber
5.300.000 wires
  Institute of Altruism |