Contract: |
Reward: |
1. contract: Deliver 1.000.000 silicon to Ethan's station by international trains
100 Pcs gems
2. contract: Deliver 10 Pcs JNR Rubber (rubber +200%) wagons to Ethan's station.
  JNR Rubber |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
2. contract: Deliver 1.500.000 rubber to Ethan's station by international trains
5 Pcs Borderless Rubber (rubber +350%) wagon
(Borderless set)
  Borderless Rubber |
3. contract: Deliver 15 Pcs Loader Flatcar (XP +130%) wagons to Ethan's station
  Loader Flatcar |
2 Pcs Mega Boost (flag)
  Mega Boost |
4. contract: Deliver 2.000.000 plastics to Ethan's station by international trains
5. contract: Deliver 240 Pcs DSB MA 2nd Class (350 0 +60%) wagons to Ethan's station.
  DSB MA 2nd Class |
350.000 Pcs plastics
6. contract: Deliver 1.500.000 wires to Ethan's station by international trains
5 Pcs Borderless Wires (wires +350%) wagon
(Borderless set)
  Borderless Wires |
7. contract: Deliver 1.250.000 titanium and 1.500.000 steel to Ethan's station by international trains |
5 Pcs Borderless Cement (cement +350%) wagon
(Borderless set)
  Borderless Cement |
9. contract: Deliver 25.000.000 gold to Ethan's station by international trains
5 Pcs U-235 Casks (u-235 +1.000%) wagon
  U-235 Casks |
10. contract: Deliver 1.000.000 glass to Ethan's station by international trains
and |
& |
Deliver 16 Pcs maglev locomotives to Ethan's station by international trains
1 Pcs Borderless (D20) locomotive
(Borderless set +200%)
(Tax: Free)
  Borderless |
11. contract: Deliver 3 Pcs Big Boy (S12) locomotives to Ethan's station and
Deliver 3 Pcs Dash 9-44CW Double (D19) locomotives to Ethan's station
  Big Boy
  Dash 9-44CW Double |
50 Pcs gems
12. contract: Build 1 Pcs Science Residence building at Ethan's station
You need in the stock: 1.200.000 marble
2.300.000 silicon
3.400.000 plastics
  Science Residence |
1 Pcs Catalyst Tail (340 0 +775%) wagon
(Catalyst set)
  Catalyst Tail |
14. contract: Deliver 150 Pcs train sets to Ethan's station
2 Pcs Catalyst Lab (330 0 +890%) wagon
(Catalyst set)
  Catalyst Lab |
15. contract: Build 2 Pcs Ion Coil decortation at Ethan's station.
You need in the stock: 2.000.000 steel
2.000.000 titanium
2.000.000 wires
  Ion Coil |
1 Pcs Ion Coil decoration
  Ion Coil |
2 Pcs Catalyst VIP (335 0 +925%) wagon
(Catalyst set)
  Catalyst VIP |
17. contract: Deliver 2.000.000 carbon and 1.850.000 marble and 1.750.000 silicon to Ethan's station by international trains |
1 Pcs Catalyst (E7) locomotive
(Catalyst set +100%)
  Catalyst |
19. contract: Build 5 Pcs Power Loader and 5 Pcs Scorpion decoration at Ethan'station.
You need in the stock: 2.000.000 carbon
2.000.000 rubber
1.000.000 wires
1.000.000 titanium
  Power Loader
6 Pcs Macro Drillo (XP +500%) wagon
(Macro Machines set)
  Macro Drillo |
20. contract: Deliver 1.000.000 plastics and 1.000.000 silicon and 1.000.000 marble to Ethan's station by international trains |
125 Pcs gems
500.000 Pcs steel
22. contract: Build 10 Pcs Light 9000 decortation at Ethan's station.
You need in the stock: 1.500.000 glass
1.100.000 steel
2.550.000 silicon
  Light 9000 |
2 Pcs Mega Boost (flag)
  Mega Boost |
23. contract: Deliver 800.000 wires and 900.000 silicon to Ethan's station by international trains |
1 Pcs Hi-Tech Home building
(14 +280 )(20.00)
  Hi-Tech Home |
24. contract: Build 1 Pcs Quantus HQ building at Ethan's station
You need in the stock: 2.000.000 silicon
1.000.000 marble
355.000 glass
  Quantus HQ |
1 Pcs Quantus HQ building
(35 +900 )(25.71)
  Quantus HQ |
25. contract: Shell 5 Pcs Scorpion decoration from Ethan's station.
  Scorpion |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
25. contract: Shell 5 Pcs Power Loader decoration from Ethan's station.
  Power Loader |
6 Pcs Macro Mechacrane (XP +500%) wagon
(Macro Machines set)
  Macro Mechacrane |
26. contract: Build 1 Pcs R&D Centre and 1 Pcs Hi-Tech Home and 1 Pcs Quantus Labs building at Ethan's station.
You need in the stock: 420.000 steel
1.070.000 cement
350.000 rubber
350.000 carbon
430.000 titanium
750.000 marble
370.000 wires
390.000 plastics
  R&D Centre
  Hi-Tech Home
  Quantus Labs |
1 Pcs Quantus Labs building
(17 +340 )(20.00)
  Quantus Labs |
1 Pcs Tachyon Tail (500 0 +575%) wagon
(Tachyon Maglev set)
  Tachyon Tail |
28. contract: Build 1 Pcs T-100 decortation at Ethan's station.
You need in the stock: 100.000.000 gold
500.000 titanium
500.000 carbon
  T-100 |
1 Pcs T-100 decoration
  T-100 |
29. contract: Deliver 1.950.000 silicon and 2.000.000 plastics and 1.950.000 wires to Ethan's station by international trains |
175 Pcs gems
30. contract: Deliver 40.000.000 gold to Ethan's station by international trains
5 Pcs Tachyon 1st Class (525 0 +525%) wagon
(Tachyon Maglev set)
  Tachyon 1st Class |
31. contract: Deliver 60 Pcs Macro Mechacrane (XP +500%) and 60 Pcs Macro Drillo (XP +500%) wagons to Ethan's station
  Macro Mechacrane
  Macro Drillo |
32. contract: Build 2 Pcs Quantus Crane and 3 Pcs Drillo and 3 Pcs Mechacrane building at Ethan's station.
You need in the stock: 36.000.000 gold
1.500.000 wires
1.050.000 steel
  Quantus Crane
  Mechacrane |
33. contract: Deliver 250 Pcs electric locomotives to Ethan's station by international trains
6 Pcs Macro Scorpion (XP +500%) wagon
(Macro Machines set)
  Macro Scorpion |
34. contract: Build 1 Pcs Antigravity Hub building at Ethan's station
You need in the stock: 1.800.000 marble
2.000.000 wires
3.000.000 silicon
  Antigravity Hub |
35. contract: Deliver 150 Pcs maglev locomotives to Ethan's station by international trains
1 Pcs Macro (E24) locomotive
(Macro Machines set +500%)
  Macro |
36. contract: Shell 5 Pcs Scorpion decoration from Ethan's station.
  Scorpion |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
36. contract: Shell 5 Pcs Power Loader decoration from Ethan's station.
  Power Loader |
37. contract: Deliver 330 Pcs Upptaget Mail (0 2800 +30%) wagons to Ethan's station.
  Upptaget Mail |
6 Pcs Tachyon Mail (0 7000 +500%) wagon
(Tachyon Maglev set)
  Tachyon Mail |
38. contract: Build 10 Pcs decorations at Ethan's station.
1 Pcs Tachyon (M12) locomotive
(Tachyon Maglev set +50%)
  Tachyon |
39. contract: Deliver 2.500.000 titanium and 2.500.000 rubber to Ethan's station by international trains |
100 Pcs gems
40. contract: Deliver 5.000.000 carbon to Ethan's station by international trains
--- OR --- |
-/- |
40. contract: Deliver 175 Pcs Sturdy Carbon (carbon +275%) wagons to Ethan's station.
  Sturdy Carbon |
1 Pcs Nucleus Tail (titanium +1.200%) wagon
(Nucleus Maglev set)
  Nucleus Tail |
41. contract: Build 4 Pcs Hovering Car decortation at Ethan's station.
You need in the stock: 2.000.000 plastics
1.000.000 carbon
1.000.000 wires
  Hovering Car |
3 Pcs Nucleus Titanium (titanium +1.200%) wagon
(Nucleus Maglev set)
  Nucleus Titanium |
42. contract: Deliver 115.000.000 gold to Ethan's station by international trains
4 Pcs Nucleus Wires (wires +1.200%) wagon
(Nucleus Maglev set)
  Nucleus Wires |
43. contract: Build 1 Pcs Cold Fusion Reactor building at Ethan's station
You need in the stock: 5.000.000 silicon
5.000.000 rubber
  Cold Fusion Reactor |
44. contract: Deliver 195 Pcs Marble Powerful (marble +135%) wagons to Ethan's station.
  Marble Powerful |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
44. contract: Deliver 30 Pcs Railpower Marble (marble +300%) wagons to Ethan's station.
  Railpower Marble |
4 Pcs Nucleus Silicon (silicon +1.200%) wagon
(Nucleus Maglev set)
  Nucleus Silicon |
4 Pcs Nucleus Carbon (carbon +1.200%) wagon
(Nucleus Maglev set)
  Nucleus Carbon |
46. contract: Deliver 1.500.000 cement and 3.500.000 marble and 1.000.000 titanium to Ethan's station by international trains |
1 Pcs Nucleus (M16) locomotive
(Nucleus Maglev set +230%)
  Nucleus |
47. contract: Build 1 Pcs Gaming Club building at Ethan's station
You need in the stock: 3.500.000 marble
3.500.000 titanium
1.500.000 cement
  Gaming Club |
1 Pcs Gaming Club building
(29 +794 )(27.38)
  Gaming Club |
150 Pcs gems
49. contract: Deliver 130 Pcs Titanium Powerful (titanium +135%) wagons to Ethan's station.
  Titanium Powerful |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
49. contract: Deliver 6 Pcs M61 Titanium (titanium +300%) wagons to Ethan's station.
  M61 Titanium |
1 Pcs Predator Tail (525 0 +600%) wagon
(Predator Maglev set)
  Predator Tail |
50. contract: Build 1 Pcs Sage Tower building at Ethan's station
You need in the stock: 2.000.000 plastics
2.000.000 titanium
  Sage Tower |
1 Pcs Sage Tower building
(12 +340 )(28.33)
  Sage Tower |
51. contract: Deliver 3.000.000 rubber and 2.500.000 carbon and 1.500.000 wires to Ethan's station by international trains |
4 Pcs Predator 2nd Class (550 0 +450%) wagon
(Predator Maglev set)
  Predator 2nd Class |
52. contract: Build 1 Pcs Space Centre building at Ethan's station
You need in the stock: 4.500.000 wires
4.000.000 carbon
3.000.000 rubber
  Space Centre |
1 Pcs Space Centre building
(27 +740 )(27.41)
  Space Centre |
4 Pcs Predator 1st Class (600 0 +550%) wagon
(Predator Maglev set)
  Predator 1st Class |
54. contract: Build 1 Pcs Command Centre building at Ethan's station
You need in the stock: 8.000.000 plastics
  Command Centre |
55. contract: Deliver 5.000.000 marble and 4.000.000 titanium and 3.000.000 u-235 to Ethan's station by international trains |
2 Pcs Predator Scenic (550 0 +650%) wagon
(Predator Maglev set)
  Predator Scenic |
56. contract: Deliver 175.000.000 gold to Ethan's station by international trains
1 Pcs Predator (M11) locomotive
(Predator Maglev set +70%)
  Predator |
57. contract: Build 1 Pcs Launch Pad building at Ethan's station
You need in the stock: 7.000.000 marble
7.000.000 titanium
5.000.000 u-235
  Launch Pad |
1 Pcs Launch Pad building
(20 +556 )(27.80)
  Launch Pad |
1 Pcs Holo-ad decoration
  Holo-ad |
59. contract: Deliver 72 Pcs Macro Power Loader (XP +500%) and 72 Pcs Macro Mechacrane (XP +500%) wagons to Ethan's station
  Macro Power Loader
  Macro Mechacrane |
and |
& |
Deliver 2.000.000 carbon to Ethan's station by international trains
150 Pcs gems
60. contract: Build 1 Pcs Space Elevator building at Ethan's station
You need in the stock: 12.000.000 silicon
8.000.000 wires
7.000.000 carbon
  Space Elevator |
1 Pc Red Planet
(Ethan's station is now yours)