Contract: |
Reward: |
1. contract: Deliver 3.500.000.000 gold to Pierre's station by international trains
7 Pcs Vin Fuel (fuel +450%) wagon
(Vin Cargo set)
  Vin Fuel |
2. contract: Deliver 8.450.000 gravel to Pierre's station by international trains
45 Pcs gems
3. contract: Deliver 100 Pcs train sets to Pierre's station
7 Pcs Vin Wood (wood +450%) wagon
(Vin Cargo set)
  Vin Wood |
4. contract: Build 1 Pcs Winery building at Pierre's station
You need in the stock: 3.500.000.000 gold
8.500.000 gravel
555.000 wolfram
  Winery |
1 Pcs Winery building
(21 +1628 )(77.52)
  Winery |
5. contract: Deliver 8.600.000 wood to Pierre's station by international trains
7 Pcs Vin Cement (cement +450%) wagon
(Vin Cargo set)
  Vin Cement |
6. contract: Deliver 8.750.000 wires to Pierre's station by international trains
7 Pcs Vin Silicon (silicon +450%) wagon
(Vin Cargo set)
  Vin Silicon |
7. contract: Deliver 250 Pcs electric locomotives to Pierre's station by international trains
2 Pcs Grape Flag (flag)
  Grape Flag |
8. contract: Build 5 Pcs Grapes decortation at Pierre's station.
You need in the stock: 8.600.000 wood
9.500.000 marble
8.750.000 wires
  Grapes |
10 Pcs Grapes decoration
  Grapes |
9. contract: Deliver 10.000.000 steel to Pierre's station by international trains
7 Pcs Vin Fuel (fuel +450%) wagon
(Vin Cargo set)
  Vin Fuel |
10. contract: Deliver 10.000.000 fuel to Pierre's station by international trains
7 Pcs Vin Wood (wood +450%) wagon
(Vin Cargo set)
  Vin Wood |
11. contract: Build 3 Pcs Tractor decortation at Pierre's station.
You need in the stock: 9.999.000 fuel
9.999.000 steel
573.000 xenon
  Tractor |
5 Pcs Tractor decoration
  Tractor |
12. contract: Deliver 600.000 nanotubes to Pierre's station by international trains
45 Pcs gems
13. contract: Deliver 6 Pcs Hispida (H7) locomotives to Pierre's station
  Hispida |
7 Pcs Vin Cement (cement +450%) wagon
(Vin Cargo set)
  Vin Cement |
14. contract: Deliver 625.000 aerogel to Pierre's station by international trains
2 Pcs Splash Flag (flag)
  Splash Flag |
15. contract: Build 2 Pcs Wine Vat decortation at Pierre's station.
You need in the stock: 10.400.000 nails
625.000 aerogel
600.000 nanotubes
  Wine Vat |
2 Pcs Wine Vat decoration
  Wine Vat |
16. contract: Deliver 11.000.000 glass to Pierre's station by international trains
7 Pcs Vin Silicon (silicon +450%) wagon
(Vin Cargo set)
  Vin Silicon |
17. contract: Deliver 650.000 bismuth to Pierre's station by international trains
1 Pcs Vin (D56) locomotive
(Vin Cargo set +175%)
  Vin |
18. contract: Build 1 Pcs Cask Factory building at Pierre's station
You need in the stock: 11.000.000 glass
11.000.000 titanium
650.000 bismuth
  Cask Factory |
1 Pcs Cask Factory building
(11 +2256 )(205.09)
  Cask Factory |
19. contract: Deliver gold to Pierre's station by international trains
3 Pcs Pinot Neodymium (neodymium +120%) wagon
(Pinot Hyperloop set)
  Pinot Neodymium |
20. contract: Deliver 11.550.000 bricks to Pierre's station by international trains
3 Pcs Pinot Aerogel (aerogel +120%) wagon
(Pinot Hyperloop set)
  Pinot Aerogel |
21. contract: Build 1 Pcs Printing Shop building at Pierre's station
You need in the stock: gold
11.550.000 bricks
675.000 borax
  Printing Shop |
1 Pcs Printing Shop building
(8 +2280 )(285.00)
  Printing Shop |
22. contract: Deliver 11.850.000 carbon to Pierre's station by international trains
3 Pcs Pinot Wolfram (wolfram +120%) wagon
(Pinot Hyperloop set)
  Pinot Wolfram |
23. contract: Deliver 12.170.000 rubber to Pierre's station by international trains
3 Pcs Pinot Xenon (xenon +120%) wagon
(Pinot Hyperloop set)
  Pinot Xenon |
24. contract: Build 1 Pcs Loading Hall building at Pierre's station
You need in the stock: 12.170.000 rubber
11.850.000 carbon
725.000 borax
  Loading Hall |
1 Pcs Loading Hall building
(22 +3850 )(175.00)
  Loading Hall |
1 Pc Pierre's Train Slot