Contract: |
Reward: |
1. contract: Sell 10 Pcs decorations from George's station. |
2. contract: Deliver 1.000 wood and 1.000 nails to George's station by international trains |
30 Pcs gems
3. contract: Deliver 1.200 bricks to George's station by international trains
--- OR --- |
-/- |
3. contract: Deliver 1.900 steel to George's station by international trains
3 Pcs Anvil (steel +40%) wagon
  Anvil |
4. contract: Deliver 10.000 gold to George's station by international trains
2 Pcs Halford (0 1450 +90%) wagon
  Halford |
5. contract: Build 2 Pcs Harbour Lamp and 2 Pcs Station Clock and 3 Pcs Harbour Bench decoration at George's station.
You need in the stock: 10.850 gold
1.900 fuel
2105 steel
1.320 bricks
  Harbour Lamp
  Station Clock
  Harbour Bench |
6. contract: Deliver 8.000 gold and 3.500 wood and 3.800 nails to George's station by international trains |
7. contract: Deliver 3.100 steel and 4.600 nails to George's station by international trains |
8. contract: Deliver 11.000 bricks to George's station by international trains
9. contract: Deliver 5.200 wood and 6.150 nails to George's station by international trains |
60 Pcs gems
10. contract: Deliver 25.000 gold to George's station by international trains
1 Pcs Factory building
(21 +96 )(4.57)
  Factory |
11. contract: Build 3 Pcs Row House building and 2 Pcs Mansion building at George's station
You need in the stock: 3.300 wood
7.400 bricks
2.400 nails
1.400 steel
  Row House
  Mansion |
2 Pcs RED 500 (90 0 +130%) wagon
  RED 500 |
12. contract: Deliver 28.000 gold and 7.900 steel to George's station by international trains |
2 Pcs QUEEN 500 (40 600 +100%) wagon
  QUEEN 500 |
13. contract: Deliver 15.400 bricks and 32.000 gold to George's station by international trains |
14. contract: Build 1 Pcs Crane and 1 Pcs Small Factory and 1 Pcs Shipyard building at George's station.
You need in the stock: 5.000 bricks
10.500 steel
5.000 gravel
2.000 wood
  Small Factory
  Shipyard |
15. contract: Deliver 7.100 bricks and 4.700 steel and 3.700 gravel to George's station by international trains |
16. contract: Deliver 9.050 nails and 8.250 wood to George's station by international trains |
3 Pcs Woody (wood +60%) wagon
  Woody |
17. contract: Deliver 40.000 gold and 16.000 bricks to George's station by international trains |
1 Pcs Crimson (S11) locomotive
(Crimson Train set +25%)
  Crimson |
18. contract: Build 1 Pcs Lighthouse and 1 Pcs Gantry Crane and 2 Pcs Manufacture building at George's station.
You need in the stock: 3.600 wood
2.300 nails
11.400 bricks
1.600 glass
3.800 steel
  Gantry Crane
  Manufacture |
1 Pcs Diplomat (0 1.650 +100%) wagon
  Diplomat |
19. contract: Deliver 90.000 gold to George's station by international trains
20. contract: Deliver 6.300 wood and 8.200 bricks and 5.300 steel to George's station by international trains |
1 Pcs Roundhouse building
(18 +52 )(2.89)
  Roundhouse |
21. contract: Deliver 45.000 gold and 7.800 nails and 4.800 gravel to George's station by international trains |
22. contract: Deliver 115.000 gold to George's station by international trains
70 Pcs gems
23. contract: Deliver 4.000 steel and 5.200 wood and 4.900 glass to George's station by international trains |
1 Pcs Foundry building
(19 +58 )(3.05)
  Foundry |
24. contract: Deliver 21.300 wood and 48.000 gold to George's station by international trains |
25. contract: Deliver 10.150 glass and 15.250 bricks to George's station by international trains |
26. contract: Deliver 7.950 gravel and 9.950 steel to George's station by international trains |
4 Pcs SNail 60 (nails +60%) wagon
  SNail 60 |
27. contract: Deliver 8.700 nails and 6.700 steel and 7.900 wood to George's station by international trains |
28. contract: Deliver 35.000 gold and 15.250 bricks to George's station by international trains |
29. contract: Deliver 37.000 gold and 8.750 gravel to George's station by international trains |
30. contract: Deliver 38.500 gold and 9.500 nails and 7.300 steel to George's station by international trains |
25 Pcs whistle |
31. contract: Build 1 Pcs Victorian Warehouse building at George's station
You need in the stock: 50.000 bricks
25.000 glass
40.000 steel
  Victorian Warehouse |
32. contract: Deliver 80 Pcs Gresley LNER (90 0 +30%) wagons to George's station.
  Gresley LNER |
5 Pcs *Gresley LNER* (100 0 +125%) wagon
(Flying Scotsman set)
  *Gresley LNER* |
33. contract: Build 1 Pcs Victorian Factory building at George's station
You need in the stock: 35.000 bricks
35.000 steel
40.000 gravel
  Victorian Factory |
34. contract: Deliver 60.000 wood and 60.000 glass and 450.000 gold to George's station by international trains |
35. contract: Deliver 29.100 glass to George's station by international trains
6 Pcs RED 500 (90 0 +130%) wagon
  RED 500 |
36. contract: Deliver 26.000 gravel to George's station by international trains
37. contract: Build 2 Pcs George's Depot building at George's station
You need in the stock: 54.000 bricks
54.000 glass
54.000 gravel
  George's Depot |
38. contract: Deliver 260.000 gold to George's station by international trains
6 Pcs Steel Maker (steel +70%) wagon
  Steel Maker |
39. contract: Deliver 32.700 steel to George's station by international trains
40. contract: Deliver 40.000 wood and 40.000 nails to George's station by international trains |
2 Pc Depot Slots
(George's station is now yours)