Contract: |
Reward: |
1. contract: Deliver 75.000 gold to Jules's station by international trains
2. contract: Deliver 10 Pcs steam locomotives to Jules's station by international trains
60 Pcs whistle |
3. contract: Deliver 100 Pcs Lumberjack (wood +20%) wagons to Jules's station.
  Lumberjack |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
3. contract: Deliver 59.000 wood to Jules's station by international trains
1 Pcs Observatoire building
(22 +113 )(5.14)
  Observatoire |
4. contract: Deliver 37.000 nails and 54.000 fuel to Jules's station by international trains |
3 Pcs Mechanicon Glass (glass +55%) wagon
(Mechanicon set)
  Mechanicon Glass |
6. contract: Deliver 4 Pcs PRR T1 (S9) locomotives to Jules's station
  PRR T1 |
--- OR --- |
-/- |
6. contract: Deliver 1 Pcs PRR S1 (S12) locomotives to Jules's station
  PRR S1 |
3 Pcs Mechanicon Steel (steel +55%) wagon
(Mechanicon set)
  Mechanicon Steel |
7. contract: Deliver 2.500.000 gold to Jules's station by international trains
3 Pcs Mechanicon Glass (glass +55%) wagon
(Mechanicon set)
  Mechanicon Glass |
8. contract: Deliver 90 Pcs Utah (85 0 +25%) wagons to Jules's station.
  Utah |
3 Pcs Mechanicon Steel (steel +55%) wagon
(Mechanicon set)
  Mechanicon Steel |
2 Pcs Mechanicon (S12) locomotive
(Mechanicon set +50%)
  Mechanicon |
10. contract: Deliver 65.000 wood and 42.000 glass and 33.000 steel to Jules's station by international trains |
50 Pcs gems
3 Pcs Mechanicon Gravel (gravel +55%) wagon
(Mechanicon set)
  Mechanicon Gravel |
12. contract: Deliver 65.000 bricks and 47.000 glass and 53.000 gravel to Jules's station by international trains |
13. contract: Deliver 31.000 nails and 47.000 steel to Jules's station by international trains |
3 Pcs Mechanicon Cement (cement +55%) wagon
(Mechanicon set)
  Mechanicon Cement |
14. contract: Deliver 25 Pcs steam locomotives to Jules's station by international trains
3 Pcs Mechanicon Gravel (gravel +55%) wagon
(Mechanicon set)
  Mechanicon Gravel |
15. contract: Deliver 100.000 cement to Jules's station by international trains
1 Pcs Nautilus (XP +700%) wagon
  Nautilus |
16. contract: Deliver 2 Pcs Nautilus (XP +700%) wagons to Jules's station
  Nautilus |
3 Pcs Mechanicon Cement (cement +55%) wagon
(Mechanicon set)
  Mechanicon Cement |
17. contract: Deliver 63.000 glass to Jules's station by international trains
--- OR --- |
-/- |
17. contract: Deliver 1.200.000 gold to Jules's station by international trains
18. contract: Deliver 95.000 fuel to Jules's station by international trains
19. contract: Deliver 20 Pcs train sets to Jules's station
1 Pcs Château building
(14 +101 )(7.21)
  Château |
20. contract: Deliver 145.000 steel to Jules's station by international trains
1 Pc Steamtopia
(Jules's station is now yours)